About, disclaimer and support

Hi, my name is Janine and for as long as I can remember, I have been in love with fountain pens, handwriting and everything stationery in general. From this spot I hope to share some of that passion with you. I am not a professional pen person, all opinions are my own and unless stated otherwise, all items are bought with my own money.

My posting schedule will hopefully be as follows:

  • Tuesdays or wednesdays: a post on fountain pens or nibs;
  • Fridays: a post on inky matters;
  • Sundays: a post on handwriting, paper, stationery or other related goodness.

If you have a specific pen, ink, paper or stationery question, be sure to let me know. If you wish to share the pen love and want to exchange links, send me a message.

If you wish to support the blog, you can do so by downloading the handwritten ink log templates I have available through my Etsy shop. A couple of Euros will get you a file containing two A4 size templates, one for an A5 size journal -such as a Leuchtturm medium or bullet journal- and one for an A6 size journal, the size of TN/Midori/Field Notes style notebooks. You can use the templates as guide sheets to draw your own ink log, or print the double sided on your favorite paper to build your own ink log. Of course, you do not have to do this, but these contributions will enable me to do more reviews and do the odd giveaway now and then. Thank you for considering this and thank you as ever for visiting my blog!
